Thursday, June 30, 2005

Pondering Instruction

A drastically revised re-post:

We probably take the Sunday school model and other church related teaching models for granted but starting a new church (church plant) is an opportunity to revisit all the who, what, when, where, why, how and "so what"s of church.

What do you want to teach? Who do you want to teach? Why is it important? When is the best time to teach it? Where is the best place to teach it? How is this material or concept best taught? So, what are you hoping to accomplish? I'm thinking mostly, about kids here.

What things are better taught by parents? What things are best taught by experts? What things do we learn best from one another? What things do we only learn from the Spirit of God?

And that's probably the heart of it...The answers may not be the same for everyone. But starting something new we have opportunity to think about it.

George likes thinking about objectives like this: We want to _________in a way that__________so that________. As I say, starting something new, we have opportunity to think about it.

(c) 2005 Margie Hillenbrand

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