Saturday, September 10, 2005


Someone made an interesting comment the other day. We were talking about children in worship and one of the people afterwards noticed that many parents seem concerned about being able to hear the message as the most important part of the service to them. I thought to myself that the part of worship I most appreciate is the music. (so having kids beside me was never a big problem.) He said, the most important part of the worship service for him was taking communion and he (single without children) didn't see children ever interfering with that. He said, that's the one part of worship that's totally God-centered. It's the one thing that only God could do for us, giving us His body and blood. He probably said it differently but it struck me as profound.

I realized that I don't even think about communion, except discerning the Body and being right with God so I don't get sick. I know that the Orthodox, Catholics, and Protestants view communion differently. I also know that some parents offer communion to their children and some don't. I understand a little of the theology but as parents, we were mentally divided between offering our children communion as part of the body and tying it to baptism. He thought our leaders have different views about communion as they do about baptism.

I was hoping he would have opportunity to comment more on this but there aren't any recent blogs that go this way, here's your opportunity!

1 comment:

  1. As I made the comment, I'll be posting about that very topic in the near future.
