Friday, April 22, 2011

I routinely search the referrals on my site meter to see where people come from and/or what they are looking for.

Here is a resource site that I may have posted long ago but they have a FB page: The Child Theology group. Lots of post-ers. Lots of followers. Downloads.

Happy Resurrection Sunday weekend, people!! Now, off to find out what's happening w/emerging kids on FB. . .


  1. I can't' believe that I hadn't found The Child Theology group on Facebook before seeing your blog post! You're right—they do have a lot of members (hundreds), and it seems to be a very active page of inspiring, informative people. Thank you so much for sharing this group with your faithful readers! I can't wait to jump in and get active with this group and hope to see you on there, too.

  2. Thanks for being a faithful reader! :- )
