Wednesday, November 16, 2005

returning to the guild idea...

According to the most recent Artisan E-news this is formally the [Artisan] Children's Ministy Guild. The term "Children's ministry" conjures up a wealth of things that Artisan isn't doing right now. Merriam-Webster On- line defines "guild" as " an association of people with similar interests or pursuits; especially : a medieval association of merchants or craftsmen." Well, we're not buying or selling so we must fall into one of the other three categories. Medieval? I think scripture and the early church fathers pre-date "medieval" and I don't think Medieval Kids is where we're going, either. Nothing like defining yourself by what you aren't :-) .

"an association of people" (implying many!) There are actually about 20 people somehow involved with kids at Artisan and/or commenting here. Most of whom are busy working in areas other than "children's ministry."

The short of it: I really don't know where to go with this beyond using this space to share and brainstorm. . .

Book update: 10 pages into Real Kids, Real Faith. Really interesting material. It may be one of the more parent-friendly books I've read with the added bonus of yet another bibliography!


  1. I noticed that in the e-news too. How did I manage to get myself membership into three different guilds at the same time? :)

  2. You and me, both...

    Wait, did you say "membership"?
