Friday, June 23, 2006

The Communion Table

Sue was very touched watching parents and kids at the communion table a couple of Sundays ago. A few days later, in a different conversation, Kristen told me that communion is perhaps the most special time for Grant during service.


"I have been letting Grant is his favorite part of the service he says. And at a 4 yr old level, he is able to communicate with me about why we do it. One week we took communion together and his prayers were precious thanking Jesus for dying on the cross..."


"An attack of jealousy struck me at church a few Sundays ago and of all things during communion. The reason for this strange attack is as complex as it is simple. At Artisan Church our communion table is open to all ages. It is not unusual to see parents and children (ages infants through teens) engaging in communion together. I should explain that at Artisan communion is offered at every service and you must actively go forward to a table. I have been witnessing this ritual for a long time but something changed this one week and it opened the flood gates of my thoughts and emotions.

Our message series tied into themes of the “last supper” and early church images and so it was decided that we would use a long table and lower it so that you would need to kneel in order to take communion. The table was also set so that people would be using both sides of the table instead of merely standing next to each other with backs to the congregation. This one simple change caused an unexpected outcome. Now parents and children were able to engage in communion on the same level without struggling to lift children up or pass things down to partake. The beauty of witnessing these families together in a sacred moment brought tears to my eyes.

The complex issues of church tradition often put limits on who can participate in communion leaving families and those who would like to seek Christ fragmented. My attack of jealousy stems from wishing that, within the church community, I could have experienced what these parents are enjoying with my own children.

I am blessed to be able to support our families as we venture into new realms of nurturing spirituality in the entire congregation young and old."

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