Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Children and Creation

[This post is supposed to follow Puppies 2/07 ]

So here's the question:

Why is it that kids are so facinated with animals and the created natural world?

How do we learn to be good stewards of what God has made?

Where do you go or what do you do to watch, listen, and use your senses to learn from what He's made?


  1. Why is it that kids are so facinated with animals and the created natural world?

    I think that is the natural state of a human, but that too many adults either have the wonder beat out of them by the hardness of life or they give it up in the pursuit of other stuff. Either way, they are poorer without it.

    How do we learn to be good stewards of what God has made?

    Interesting that you should post this now. I'm helping a friend put a lesson together for for our 6-11 year olds for this Sunday. (Normally I do it, but I'm speaking to the teenagers and grown-ups this week.)

    The kids are mostly boys. They are going to start with using balls to make a model of the solar system, then expand to the vastness of the universe, then bring it back to God's care for us and the stewardship he's given us. Basically Psalm 8.

    Beyond this Sunday, I think that skills and a mindset relating to stewardship of the planet are essential for our kids. They are the ones who will be dealing most intensely and universally with the effects of climate change, etc. It will affect jobs, lifestyle, food, travel, everything. For the past few months I have been starting to think about what I can do to help prepare them for the opportunities they will face. I haven't gotten very far yet, but I can wholeheartedly recommend this book Worldchanging: A User's Guide for the 21st Century

    Where do you go or what do you do to watch, listen, and use your senses to learn from what He's made?

    Snowdonia works well for that. More often though I am walking around the fields of sheep behind our house.

  2. I don't know the answer to your questions...but we are going to the zoo as a ministry on Saturday!
