Monday, January 26, 2009

Equipping, serving, encouraging

First of all, having someone do a survey and actually distribute the results is pretty neat, cynic that I am. A survey like this is a wonderful tool to help those who participated hear and equip each other. It would be interesting to see the same survey today and 10 - 20 years ago. I'm assuming this survey focused on the Group community.

Applause for Group's willingness to acknowledge that we can't assume that old methods will work with a new generation of children and parents. They surveyed not only the Children's Ministries but the parents they served. I appreciate children's ministries who recognize the need to serve and equip parents. That's huge in my book. On the first page there are some interesting articles about Family ministry and even one about Rites. Asking parents, "How can we serve you?" for me is a wonderful thing.

After the first page likening church to business, especially at the end, it's a very encouraging article. They also have a survey you can use to look at your own program.

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