1) Create a diorama with sand, twigs, ram, stone and pieces of fabric on (clay, pipe cleaner, or paper) figures for the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac. (Don't have a picture for this so you'll have to use your imagination!)
2) [Create a template and make copies]
You will need:
a picture of each child that can be cut and pasted
1 1/2 pieces of plain white paper per child (or copies of template for the children to use)
glue, tape, scissors, markers or crayons,
picture of each child, clip art of a ram, and clip art of Jesus [these are just Microsoft Word clip art]
Ask the kids to bring in a picture of themselves from home to cut and paste or take pictures in class the week before with a Polaroid or digital camera.
Fold a plain piece of paper in half. Cut on the fold line. Use one half. Fold it in half. On the top half that's folded over draw a large rock, then cut a hole in the middle of the rock a little smaller than the clip art/child pictures. Tape the bottom edge so you can't lift the flap. You should have a rock with a window hole. [On the template you will probably want to draw the hole to cut out and draw the fold lines.]
then the ram that God provided,
When you use clip art really look at the images and see what they are visually communicating to the kids. I found that the picture of child, Jesus, and ram looking straight at me had a different affect than cartoony images or a ram leaping away.
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