Sunday, September 11, 2005

Check it out!

Ivy Beckwith's blog is up and running again! She's the author of Postmodern Children's Ministry (YS/Zondervan). "Just the facts, Ma'am" is about Sunday school instruction. Check it out! It looks like you'll find some interesting discussions.

When she started her blog, right after her book came out, she was obviously upset about a lot of trends in Children's Ministry. When she stopped posting, all the discussions I thought were out there seemed to close down at about the same time. So I started blogging. Why? Because someone's got to talk about this stuff. So I'm excited that she's up and running again! It gives you another place to go where you may get some different opinions or you may get more of the same. Lots of voices, it seems, which is a good thing. Dr. Beckwith has oodles of experience and expertise. She's been doing this for a long time.

As I say, check it out...


  1. Glad to see another blogger about what is happening in the lives of kids in today's world and tomorrow's

  2. I clicked on the link and and it said that the server couldn't be found. Any idea what i may be doing wrong or why I am getting this message?

  3. Thanks and welcome! It should work, now.
