Wednesday, September 28, 2005

the problem with reading blogs...

The good part about reading other people's blogs is that you get to know them better and they come, read yours, and make comments.

The bad thing? When you read someone else's blog and you find out they tagged you for something just when you thought you were done blogging forever and had nothing else to say...

1. Total number of books you own An excellent question. 50 + shelves... (some small shelves, some big shelves...) Someday (if we ever move) I'll count them and I'll know ... remember 7 people live here. I don't think of myself as much of a reader...

2. What was the last book you bought
Christina Katerina & The Box by Patricia LeeGauch (yes, it's a children's book)

3. What was the last book you read
All the way through, as in "finished it"? Christina Katherine & the Box by...

4. List five books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order) . . . I tend to read authors...five... "meaningful" being the key word?? ...hmm... I don't know, but these are probably among the most memorable...

The Bible yes]

Mrs. Mike by Benedict and Nancy Freedman (Good news! Thank you, Lisa! Just because you tagged me and I had to look up the author, I found out that after almost 20 years these people are writing more books!)

The Camel Who Took a Walk
Jack Tworkov . Another children's book. It's just odd and fun in an unexpected, simple kind of way. Also books by Jane Yolen, Ann Rinaldi, George MacDonald, and I did like Harry Potter...

Leon Uris books (Mille 18, Trinity, Exodus...) historical fiction/drama. (I also liked Chaim Potok's books)

How Green Was My Valley by Richard Llewellyn A coming of age novel about Wales. I also liked How the Irish Saved Civilization by Thomas Cahill, my first read c. Celtic Christianity.

by George A.F. Knight
Knight is a Scots Hebrew scholar from New Zealand. This one of his little books.

5. Tag five people.
Any five people who read? or who read my blog? Howabout 5 lurkers who frequently read this without comment :-) Use the comment space or send us to your blog!

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