Deut 4:10 NIV "Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children." [a passage to ponder]
I don't know how successfully you can include young children and families in community worship without carefully examining the worship service. From the things I've read, there are some specific ways we can make a service more child - friendly without making it child-centered. Counter to most contemporary worship thinking, someone made the comment to me that repetition says "this is important". Use at least one song for non-readers to learn that is repeated for 4 Sundays. Use short scriptures to introduce each part of worship as memorable formative words so children know what's coming. Take time to encourage beauty/awe/ wonder, focus on the Biblical story. . . What follows may look long and complicated but I think, in most services, all it involves is some simple tweaking. In addition to all this, give children as many opportunities to serve as you can and remember that they aren't adults, they're children.
-Print any recurring passage of scripture (or the reference) in worship folder
-Include at least the reference (if not the text) for story passage and reference for next week’s story
-Post your Philosophy for including children
-Prepare and label child spaces
-Provide appropriate art/craft materials for parents and children on the Response Table
-Hand out or make available “Guidelines” for Parents and Children
The Worship Service(liturgical, traditional, contemporary, emerging. You have to search your own service to find the elements you value. Then pick one simple thing that ties into each of these that a child can do, focus on, or relate to.)
Gathering/Call to Worship
“We gather together on Sunday to ….” (example: …worship the Lord: Father, Son and Holy Spirit) What is worship?
-a simple opening passage of scripture or call that doesn't change through a season or an entire series (something children can listen for and learn to say, a passage that will shape their thinking about that part of worship)
(repetition says to a child “this is important)
- in a simple sentence talk about any new colors, symbols, decor that you're using
- a list of music for parents to listen to at home or in the car so children will hear it often
- one chorus or one song specifically for non-reading children
-scripture/lyrics running through heads during the week shaping hearts and minds
-repeat at least the chorus every Sunday over a 4-6 week period
- opportunities for children to dance or use rhythm instruments
“This is the time when we…” How many unchurched people know what “confession” means?
- open with the same short passage of scripture for 4-6 weeks
- children learn to say it or listen for the phrase…
Shaped by the Scriptures/Story/Passage
- the scriptural story, the parable, the passage
-read from the NIrV,
- or told, or
- enacted on a special table with felt or wooden figures or
- enacted by people for the whole congregation.
- start message with 1-2 “I wonder” questions for children
Direct children to the Response Table
- Provide guidelines, story sheets and quiet, appropriate materials or activities on or near the art/craft Response Tables.
Continue with 1-2 “I wonder” questions for adults…
Message or ______
Sacrament of Communion –
-a simple passage or scriputure to signal that part of service
-include parent guidelines for communion
Interactive Prayer –
-a simple passage of scripture to signal that part of service
-multi – sensory and child friendly or layered for different ages
-prayer in groups or alone
Offering –
-a simple passage of scripture to signal that part of service (the same passage of scripture for 4-6 weeks)
-place or opportunity for children to bring something personal to the Lord (not just money)
- Something you say together to the Lord or to each other.
- the same passage of scripture for 4-6 weeks that kids can learn and use (ie ”The Lord be with you…and also with you…”)
Post Service: Speak with a child, bless a child, encourage a child (and their parents!) the way you would an adult
I should add that we're talking community of worshippers here. Beyond individual friendships the community can provide designated helpers with photo ID lanyards and background checks who are available to offer extra hands to guests, frazzled parents, single parents, parents serving during worship, children who come without parents like a natural extended family.
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