Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Simple and Profound

I only write down things that surprise me, as opposed to all the good stuff. Sad, isn't it. But we don't always know what things affect our children especially before they can talk.

When my kids were little we didn't really focus on rules and commands. We basically went through the Bible reading the stories, partly for the details (and the stories) they wouldn't get in Sunday school - Job, Caleb and Joshua, David and his Mighty Men.

When my son was around 7 or 8, he was into GI Joes. One day he was sitting in a chair in the living room playing and I asked him if he wanted to be a soldier someday and he looked up at me dead serious and said,

"Mom you forgot something."

I looked at him. What did I forget?

He said. "Thou shalt not kill."

And there was nothing more to say.

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