Monday, January 09, 2006

What's happening at Artisan?

There are photos and interesting things on the Artisan website. We've been including all the kids in service every Sunday since the middle of the summer.

We have

-a food table in the back of the room available for anyone at anytime during service

-an overhead with visuals and candles and different decorating elements each week

-signage with simple ways to include your child in worship

-rhythm instruments available during congregation singing and room for kids to move within arms length of their parents

-we've arranged the chairs and 2 couches in the foyer outside the sanctuary doors to make an enclosure for toddlers and young preschoolers with parents and helpers. There are small tables, chairs from the nursery, and art materials in an old TV cabinet on wheels. Parents bring their own toys. Our hope is to tell people next week's scripture/theme so parents can bring playthings that tie into worship.

-a time when kids come up front for a kid friendly tie in to the theme.

-a craft table with handout: one focus verse, a pre-school, younger, and older elementary school activity suggestion, something to do over the course of the week. Kids also have the freedom to just use the materials in a creative way to respond to the message.

-this week we introduced a surprise.

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