Monday, October 02, 2006

Artisan Moves

Artisan moved to the German House, an old party house. Very cool, if you like old buildings. And it's close to downtown.

We were able to have all ages in the same room, a corral for walkers and round tables where the kids could work and parents could listen and watch toddlers all at the same time. Putting the kids under the balcony helped send the noise down instead of out and to tell you the truth the kids were really good. Most of the sounds were barely noticable.

Before Jason preached from Esther, the kids stayed at their tables and Brian dressed up with a cape and mask and told the story of Purim and invited kids and adults to boo and hiss and use noisemakers when he mentioned the name of the villain. He told the story. Yay! Then they ate three-cornered cookies. Quite fun!

The kids made masks at the table.Each table has a green plastic table cloth, a reserved-for-families-with-kids sign and a plastic shoe box full of supplies. It worked nicely. (The adults got chairs and tall bar tables on the side but no craft supplies :-) It's a building full of nooks and crannies on a city street, no green space, so we have to watch our little ones more closely but they're still little and less apt to explore the wide open spaces. It's great to have everyone together and there's lots of grow room. It worked nicely.

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