Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Developmentally -Appropriate in a Multigenerational Setting? 2

- a community of children and adults giving of their skills, interests, talents.

- community of children and adults helping one another in simple ways and more complex ways.

- keeping promises to children and to other adults and more - keeping our word. Calling one another on it when we don't. I fall short.

- children and adults learning to listen together.

- opportunities to use all the senses

- providing varying levels of age appropriate challenges

-giving children opportunity for age appropriate problem-solving and critical thinking

-being patient and creative with individual differences.

-displaying child artwork and other visuals at a child's eye level. Taking into consideration a child's eye level when an event is planned.

-considering simple vocabulary when an event is planned.

-look for opportunities to experience something more than an explanation or a moral.

-sharing experiences that a child or family can take home and repeat

-give children opportunities to role play, pretend, and manipulate their environment. This may be an activity for children to do at home or with other children or maybe a playtime after service.

-opportunities for active exploration and interaction. That would be hard unless it's intentionally made part of worship, maybe not weekly but on a regular basis.

-find ways to enable every child to succeed.

We'll look at her thoughts about assessment next time.

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