Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Children's Ministry in Small Churches

Someone was looking for Children's Ministry resources specific to a small church. I haven't read the books and I've not read each of these articles word for word but hopefully something in this list will inspire you! If you don't mind inspiration from this side of the ocean. :)

And ok, the links worked when I tried them. If they don't work tell me.

Help I'm a Small Church Youth Worker

Shepherding the Small Church

Scroll all the way down to the article on the bottom. “How
Smaller Churches Can Reach Children”

Article: “The Time Has Come”

Article: "Ideas for how to cope if your church is small"
(this one's from the UK)

Article: “Let the Children Come”

Article: “Small Churches Up to Big Things”

Article: “Life on the edge: a small church redefines its mission”
from (Christian Century, July 12, 2003 by Richard H. Bliese)

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