Monday, February 23, 2009

Blogging about kids and church - "what about the kids?"

More discussion at Subversive Influence, this time about people leaving church and kids. Not leaving their kids. Taking their kids with them. Just the tip of the iceberg but take a look - whether you are among them or whether they are leaving you.

Here's Esther's blog [the Hudson Valley being near and dear to my heart] with more comments. She commented at Subversive Influence. She links to the Evergreen and the Well. Haven't seen these before.

I don't send you places because they offer you some authoritative final word about an issue, but to give you opportunities to listen to people talking about what they care about - particularly Christians, kids, and faith. Most of these people are wrestling - with thoughts and ideas - and looking for God in the midst of it all, not because they need to be converted but because they want to know what God wants them to do and they're willing to think outside the box.

Not all cultures value thinking outside the box. For better or for worse, people came to this country already thinking that way so, again for better or for worse, it's in our DNA so we have to figure out how to deal with it - maybe more now than over the past 400 years because what we've traditionally known as "community" is up for serious re-definition.

For better or for worse, the fruit of our western genetic programming keeps getting riper.

But these blogs (and comments) are some new voices tackling our favorite ongoing discussion of the past 4 years, - 'what about the kids?"

Now, I'm going to let my dogs out (again), grab a cup of coffee, and go back to read what they're saying.


  1. hey there - thanks for linking to our site. will have to spend some time looking through your blog - i had recently found a site called emergingparents that was really helpfuly - i'm always interested in connecting with new people! where in NY are you?

  2. Yup, Emerging Parents is up and running again! Glad you came by.

    I grew up near Albany but we're in Rochester and between churches these past 3 years which, after 50+ years of being very involved in church (mostly with kids), it's feeling a little too familiar.

    (In a good way)having been in both situations probably just adds to my tendancy to see things from too many perspectives.

    You may have to dig deeply through these archives but I hope you find something useful here. Enjoy!
