Thursday, December 29, 2005


Here's another aside. (This isn't exactly taking up Lisa's meme but almost...) I checked out the profiles on my new commentors. (They have profiles and links to their names that work. Very nice!) All these young staff member blogs and photos say "energy!" I checked out Kidiology. More energy!

So I check out all these blogs, have 5 college and almost college-aged kids and their friends home for Christmas and two 6 month old puppies (I love these kids! Love having them home!) . We're part of a church made up of mostly college students and young couples, young families and energetic church planters and I'm looking at all the energy I don't have. :) Actually, I have all my energy between 6 am and about 2 in the afternoon and I'm putting most of it on paper at this point in my life.

I just wanted to say three cheers for children's ministers! Kids really should have young children's ministers or at least a staff with alot of young adult volunteers. Three cheers! "Energy" probably belongs somewhere at the top of the job application! Right? Somewhere before passion, vision, and experience?

The Lord bless you with whatever energy you need when you need it!

1 comment:

  1. Don't let Margie fool you. She's got plenty of energy! :-)
