Friday, December 02, 2005

Faithful and Fruitful

The picture of faith and dance is an artistic observation.

The observations about story are observations that we can use to make ourselves better story tellers - "story" implying in this case God's stories.

One of the things that Yust talked about in Real Kids, Real Faith was the goal of being faithful.

When Jesus approached the fig tree He was looking for fruit.

Some observe and take notes. Some take other approaches to learning how to live faith - a relationship perhaps. But I think in both cases someone is asking, What do faithfulness and fruitfulness "look" like? (Or substitute some other sense word for "look".) Can it help me or kids become more faithful and more fruitful? There it is! Let's do that!

As we encounter the Triune God, and others, what is He hoping to find?

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